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Where're the women?

Started by ray, 17 November, 2015, 01:15:51

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   Hi everyone,

   are there female kendamers?

   I don't like to separate people in gender because I think it's so silly. For example, toilets for women or men. I'd be better to separate buy using (stand up or seated). But I saw there're not too much girls/women that play kendama. Playing clubs there're more men (maybe because to throw 5 clubs we need to have more muscles) and playing hoops, more girls (maybe because we need to move sweetly). But to play kendama there aren't differences! I think men and women can participate in the same competitions.

   Perhaps, kendama associations around the world could work together to promote the kendama for women (with pink kendamas... nono, haha, it's a stupid joke). Maybe, all association can be connected to do the "Women Kendama Year 2016". In 2016 all women enter for free in the kendama conventions, women can registered for free in the association in 2016, a discount in kendamas if the recordered a video playing kendama,... What do you think?

   Maybe women see the nerdy kendamers and they aren't motivated. :D

   How many girls are in this forum? Write here and tell us about your experience with your kendama.
Enjoy your life. Circus and love!