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The Kenfession booth: "I still can't..."

Started by MisterJumpshoe, 16 February, 2014, 20:28:10

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Okay, it's time to lay some demons to rest!


I first picked up a kendama in 2006, since which time I flatter myself I have learned a bit.  HOWEVER there are some things that still elude me, even after all this time.

I can't do stilts. :-\

Not very well, anyway.  I can land about 1 in 50.  Feel free to take a gasp-in-horror break.  I have tried and tried and tried and I just don't seem to get better!  The ken either bounces off or over- or under-balances.  I've tried different grips and swings and just can't nail it.  There, Ive said it.  :-[

I feel I must also comment on the pirouette hanging spike which is one of the tricks for the BKO advanced division.  Anyone who saw me trying that trick at the SKO knows (but was manifestly too embarrassed to comment) that I cannot pirouette.  I have all the grace of a bungee jumping giraffe.  You don't believe me?  Just wait until I'm on that stage!  Do me a favour and at least laugh out loud!  We might as well get a few chuckles out of it.  No awkward silences allowed.

I've flung open the doors of the kenfessional booth so that others may kenfess their shortcomings (I've just realised how mortifying it will be if I'm the only one who does!) and assimilate advice from other players.  We can all the play the part of preacher and sinner here!
Music Has the Right to Children



I can't Lunar on many of my KD's
I am consistent with my lunars on my yellow oozora but not on any of my others  :'(
I think I just haven't found any of the right 'damas

On my sunrise and my aTack I can lunar but only about 1 in 15 - but then I can't do any tricks with it
With my og oozora and my 2011 play[nb]which is well known of its lunar ability - I just don't really like it so it hasn't really had the chance to break in[/nb] it is the same problem

My Mugen Musou can do them well, but not as good as my yellow oozora. But I get in to some bad habits by using this too much[nb]as in getting used to the size[/nb], that is why I try to avoid it

I have heard that the 2013 Oozoras, Folkens, tk16's and sweets matte marbles[nb]and countless others[/nb] are good for lunars. But then again, I fell in to the same trap with my aTack  :(

Any advice / recommendations will also be helpful

MrJ nice idea of a thread

Shameless Self-Promotion:



What prevents you from doing tricks on the atack and sunrise?


I am far from consistent with Lunars... and I landed my first one more than a year ago!!

Also, I can't do Lighthouse Somersault or Moon Circles... they just elude me.
Spanish Kendama Champion 2010, 2012, 2014-16
Depth Perception is Overrated.


@udgfxp I just find that the balance isn't right. The sara-do on both of them also don't move down very far so it is hard, for me, to find the right ballance

Again recommendations / tips would be helpful
Shameless Self-Promotion:

The Void

Hello group, my name's Void and I kenfess to....

HEY!! WAIT A MINUTE! This isn't just some ploy to gather K.E.N. ammunition against opponents, is it?

...ah well, never mind.

I'm really weak at Lunar Somersaults. And beyond-the-basic juggles[nb]This from a juggler - oh the ignominy![/nb]. And... well, that's enough weaknesses for now - but I'm always up for a challenge, so there. :P
If you don't want to BUY MY BOOKS 😉, then why not ask your local library to order them in, and read them for free? That would help too. Cheers!

the milky oolong

Aside from the same problem as Rob with the Lunars, I still can't...

...Reverse 1-Turn Lighthouse. Whereas Reverse 1-Turn Aero has a definite 'shape' of its own, I can almost never predict the right path to put the ken through - too much 'tug', too much swing, too rounded/too sharp a movement, too high/low/early/late with the catch. It's enough to make a man swear on a family-friendly-vibe forum.


There. I did it. Bum.
Kendama Berlin
German Kendama Open 2014: 1st Place Speed Trick, 2nd Place Knockout
German Kendama Championships 2015: 3rd Place Speed Trick
KEN FEST Hannover, 2016: 3rd Place KEN Battle
KENDAMA CLASH Berlin 2016: 1st Place Intermediate


Good Topic! I still can't...

SWIRL, them damn things are just too much for me. Half swirl, i'm fine, anything more and my head just goes to goop!

Oh i'll also like to add Lunar tre flip here. I have landed it once ever, luckily got it on video when I was leaving Toulouse last year but have never landed it since, think it was the week long kendama play that made me do it but now it just wont happen!


great thread!

ive only been playing for 10 months, but in that time have put an immense amount of time into playing kendama. like, at least 2 hours a day and more on my off days. watching how far kendama has come and the energy put into the pro team edits has pushed me to learn so much and continues to inspire me to try harder tricks. but, i literally practice 1 trick for hours on end until i either get it once or twice. or, call it day knowing that im that much closer. lunars were insanely troublesome (even on my super sticky tribute...) tho, i did land my first lunar on my super sticky.

it wasnt until i read what rodama had posted about getting the sarado lower that i got consistent with lunars. like, LOWer. you want the sarado (on my ozora) to just start to show the string hole from the top. i had to dremel the inside of a few of my damas to get them that low, but wow what a difference! once i did this i noticed how much lower alot of the pro players have their sarados. it kinda feels like cheating, because its technically not JKA/BKA standard, but now that ive gotten better at lunars i can land them on tributes and official JKA/BKA's.

what my obsession with lunars has stunted me on are spacewalks. i have never tried them with all the breakable things in my house and thus have no experience with them :/ i can stilt reasonabley consistent (1 out of 8 tries), but ask me to spacewalk to spike and i would just stand there with a dumbfounded expression flailing the kendama 


I can't do DJ spins. I need to seriously sit down and spend some time learning them. Game of Dama with Thorkild are getting a little embarrassing :p


@AlexSmith  I kenfess that I don't even know what a DJ Spin is!

@PikWik What works best for me with spacewalks (and I am reasonably consistent with them) is this:

From the starting position (holding the ball in your off-hand and the ken in the other) let the ball go and swing down.  Halt the ken when it is pointing directly downwards, but let the ball swing another 45 degrees.  This will give more momentum.  When it has reached that point, swing the ken in the opposite direction.  When the ken and the ball are horizontal, let go.  (You can give a slight upward flick with your fingers - this is something you will adjust over time).  Allow the entire kendama to swing around until it reaches an approximate 45 degree angle, with the ball being at the top and the ken at the bottom.  You will learn to adjust your release so that the ball is at the correct height for you to catch it (it's all to do with power/speed - it comes with practise).  Catch the ball with the grip you would use for lighthouse (usually thumb, index finger and middle finger).  Once you've caught the ball, follow the flow of the kendama's natural arc partway, but not too much or the ken won't turn over.  Simply all the ken to turn and fall towards the ball.  Keep your eye on the spike and practise!

This what works for me.  I hope that it at least opens a new avenue for you to try this trick!
Music Has the Right to Children


the milky oolong

Quote from: AlexSmith on 24 February, 2014, 03:46:01
I can't do DJ spins.

Start the trick rising, push the ken out - it should be roughly half way through its turn when you reach your apex, crouch into the catch to balance it out.

I can't do Lighthouse>Fast Hand Spike (Trade). 
Kendama Berlin
German Kendama Open 2014: 1st Place Speed Trick, 2nd Place Knockout
German Kendama Championships 2015: 3rd Place Speed Trick
KEN FEST Hannover, 2016: 3rd Place KEN Battle
KENDAMA CLASH Berlin 2016: 1st Place Intermediate

The Void

Quote from: the milky oolong on 28 February, 2014, 15:10:08I can't do Lighthouse>Fast Hand Spike (Trade). 
Lock your wrist for the final throw. It will help to make sure that there's not too much 'wild spin' imparted to the ball. With a locked-wrist lofty arm throw, you should be able to get a slowly-downturning hole. Then it's just a case of avoiding string tangles, and using the k****.
If you don't want to BUY MY BOOKS 😉, then why not ask your local library to order them in, and read them for free? That would help too. Cheers!