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Videos / Re: Spike Rack
Last post by The Void - 10 March, 2021, 13:32:01
Just, you know, a mere 47:
Off-Topic / Re: Crosswords.
Last post by The Void - 06 February, 2021, 13:09:37
Here's one that's both better and relevant. Answers are at if you want them.

General Discussion / Re: how is everybody doing?
Last post by The Void - 04 February, 2021, 13:57:15
I guess this is as good a place as any to say... Back on the horse! I had my first kendama session today for over a year. (Don't ask... Let's just say "2020 vibes" and leave it there.) The thighs are burning, but at least some of the old magic is still there. :-) Easy does it... Coffee time. Ciao, one and all!
Tricks / Re: The ever popular "Today I....
Last post by shalafi - 27 July, 2020, 22:36:19
Quote from: The Void on 26 July, 2020, 21:43:41
Ah Finland EJC, then? Coo, time flies.
Yes, Finland. Yes, time flies.
Tricks / Re: The ever popular "Today I....
Last post by The Void - 26 July, 2020, 21:43:41
Ah Finland EJC, then? Coo, time flies.
Tricks / Re: The ever popular "Today I....
Last post by shalafi - 26 July, 2020, 21:10:11
Today I saw that facebook said it's been 10 years since I bought my first kendama
It's been quite a journey...
General Discussion / Re: how is everybody doing?
Last post by shalafi - 25 July, 2020, 18:33:35
Good to hear from you eelco!

I would have thought that during this lockdown / quarantine time, online comps like Outlink or Stomp it, Stamp it would have come back, but they didn't.

I'm doing fine, I can work fully remote so I am catching up on books, series and video games. Unfortunately I don't do much Kendama anymore because each time I try my kids try to take it from me, and if I give them one, they use it as a weapon, which is quite scary.

At some stage I want to practice again, and finally get my 2nd or even 3rd Dan.

Also, I was on one of these progression walls, where everything new seems impossible, and I was unable to get more consistent on old tricks either... The juggler's life I suppose.
General Discussion / Re: how is everybody doing?
Last post by The Void - 25 July, 2020, 15:08:55
Hey Eelco,
I'm not playing much at all. Dodgy shoulder. A few old clips in the Today I thread. I'm mostly reading and doing crosswords. And staying at home. I've written off 2020 in my mind.
Stay safe, all.
General Discussion / how is everybody doing?
Last post by s070s - 25 July, 2020, 11:53:06
hello everybody

hope you are all oke in during this nasty chapter.
what are you doing, learned any new tricks ?
