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Kendama Consistency Challenge #23

Started by BKA, 13 November, 2013, 17:31:30

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1 more week to go folks!
Get clicking!
Shameless Self-Promotion:



I believe this finishes at 4:00 pm GMT Today
Shameless Self-Promotion:


Competition closed.

Sorry Dimensions, no yo-yo for you. But we will send you some stickers as a consolation prize. Thank you for taking part. It was obviously far too tough for Joris or Brad[nb]No other feeble excuses are acceptable! ;)[/nb]. :P

Here is Dimensions' best entry for you to all enjoy, tricks 1-7 of the Endless Combo, all in a row.


Shameless Self-Promotion:


Well, it seems like the KCCs aren't very popular, but if you want to, then yes.


Quote from: BKA on 14 December, 2013, 16:04:36
Here is Dimensions' best entry for you to all enjoy, tricks 1-7 of the Endless Combo, all in a row.
Impressive! Well done dimensions!
Spanish Kendama Champion 2010, 2012, 2014-16
Depth Perception is Overrated.


Thanks Shalafi!
I was really annoyed about that gunsliger >:( - I don't think I will ever get past number 7 any time soon
Shameless Self-Promotion:


Great achievement [user]Dimensions[/user] well done.

Quote from: BKA on 14 December, 2013, 17:53:07
Well, it seems like the KCCs aren't very popular, but if you want to, then yes.

I think it's because they're so hard that there are a lot of us who can't compete yet.

I'm not knocking hard challenges though, as soon as I'm able I will definitely get involved in these, I like this kind of thing, just need to level up my play first!

This is kind of why I suggested One Shot Consistency a while back as it begins at an achievable level for all. See here:,1055.0.html

Having said that, there hasn't been a huge amount of interest in that either so maybe you're right that most people just aren't up for consistency challenges?


You don't think you could have got to number 3 in KCC23, Kev?


Possibly 3 or maybe on a good day 4.

The quirk against me on this particular KCC is I'm currently very bad at Small Bird which feature heavily in the first couple!


Perhaps not reading you correctly, but... you thought you couldn't do very well, so you didn't try?
With 30 days to TRY in, it's quite confusing why only Dimensions did. Unless people are only prepared to try for a challenge with a more alluring prize?

Edited to add: Not good at a trick? Practice = get better. :P
ETA: Sorry, not meaning to pick on you specifically, Kev.


Hey, not feeling picked on at all - do not worry!

It's good to get a conversation going about these things to find out what people think. Obviously I can only answer from my own perspective but my thoughts on these comments are:

Quote from: BKA on 15 December, 2013, 15:04:22
Perhaps not reading you correctly, but... you thought you couldn't do very well, so you didn't try?

A subtle misreading, yes. Not so much 'thought I couldn't do well' as 'thought I couldn't have a reasonable stab at it so figured it wasn't for me at this point in time'. Trying to do better than other players is never on my mind, because the only person you're ever competing with is yourself right?

In this particular challenge, looking down the trick list, as I wasn't able to confidently say, 'yep I can do that trick' is fine, but that means I see the challenge as currently above my skill level (which is also fine). I had the same feeling when looking at the BKO comp lists - advanced is out of my range at present but something to aim for, hence why I'll be going for intermediate in 2014.

Quote from: BKA on 15 December, 2013, 15:04:22
With 30 days to TRY in, it's quite confusing why only Dimensions did. / Not good at a trick? Practice = get better. :P
Totally fair comment and of course true about practice. For me, at the mo my practice time is quite disciplined and I've got things I'm working on right now so wasn't about to take up learning another set of tricks at this time. Currently I'm trying to focus on trying to get on the Dan ladder - my big aim for next year!

Quote from: BKA on 15 December, 2013, 15:04:22Unless people are only prepared to try for a challenge with a more alluring prize?

For me, prizes aren't important. I'll be entering anything that comes up, prizes or not, if it feels like something I can have a stab at. Of course it's nice when people offer prizes but I see them as a bonus rather than the point of taking part. The real prize is getting better at kendama and helping to build the great community we have in here thanks to all involved.

I'd also add that hard challenges are good and we should always make sure we have some.The horizon is always moving away as everyone gets better collectively. It seems like some players are busting tricks regularly these days that were previously thought to be nearly impossible, it's great to see challenges that keep you on your toes and inspire something to aim for in future. So thanks for the KCC's and in the spirit of joining in I will have a shot at the next one even if it seems a bit beyond me at the time!

The Void

Totally understand about practice time, Kev. I'm the same, in that I'll often do nothing but my Dan practice on a given day. I try to get a few tricks in when the kettle's boiling/pasta's cooking/etc too, and that was when I had a go at KCC23 too. (I only got as far as #6, so Dimensions beat me there. )

I think that there are probably a fair few people who wouldn't bother due to "difficulty fear" or lack of prize allure. But those people probably won't bother posting a reply here either. ;)
If you don't want to BUY MY BOOKS 😉, then why not ask your local library to order them in, and read them for free? That would help too. Cheers!


I totally agree with you Kev
I entered this competition for the practice - I didn't really want the yoyo. Yes I do play a little bit of yoyo but not a lot, kendama juggling and diabolo are the main things for me but I love that sense of winning or taking part in something huge...

That is why I entered
Also if you feel like you could only just get to, for example, step 4. Just film your practice session, and have a go at the combo during it

I also want to know what you think about KCCs - please contribute to this poll.,1490.0.html

Shameless Self-Promotion: