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Multiple Lunar Somersaults help?

Started by kendamasim, 17 December, 2015, 13:26:52

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Hi all,

I really need some advice for multiple lunar somersaults, I can do one lunar somersault properly and consistently but I always miss very badly when it comes to double or even triple somersaults. Please help

The Void

Hi @kendamasim
Firstly, welcome to the forum!
Secondly... I'm bad at Lunar Somersaults. Sometimes I can do a single one, but no more. But maybe this will help:
The other day, I was jamming and had a "I wonder what trick to try next" moment. I thought "why not have a go at 2-Turn Jumping Stick?". I'm not great at those either, but I have landed some. Knowing I'm not great at them, I thought "Okay, *how* shall I try this trick this time?", and I decided that maybe if I tried hard to focus on the spin of the ken - watching it carefully - that might help. ("Well, duh!", right? I know...)
So I did. I tried to launch it (kneeeeeeees!) with just precisely double the amount of height/time/spin.
Got it first time. And second time. And almost 3rd time too.
So my point is, try to really closely focus on each element of the trick, and concentrate on precision of movement and timing of your whole body - legs, knees, hand, wrist, arm, eyes are all involved.

Ask yourself: Where do you start the upwards motion from? What height? How hard are you pushing with your legs? How much upwards, and how much forwards push are you giving with the tama? How high (/forwards?/sideways?/backwards?) does your hand go when you follow the ken in flight? Which part of the ken are you looking at when it's rotating? Where is your hand when you start the downwards motion for the catch? How about your legs? - How much do you straighten them? When do you start bending them again, and how much?

Think about all of that, and learn from your own mistakes. If you miss, ask yourself "Why did I miss that time?". Too much spin? Too hard a landing? Overcompensating the catch? Lost your balance? Blinked?

And lastly,.... Breathe! (Sounds stupid, but people often forget, which means they tense up their body.)

Good luck.
If you don't want to BUY MY BOOKS 😉, then why not ask your local library to order them in, and read them for free? That would help too. Cheers!

The Void

Also, maybe worth re-reading the threads on Lunar Somersault. (See,1082.0.html for links.)
If you don't want to BUY MY BOOKS 😉, then why not ask your local library to order them in, and read them for free? That would help too. Cheers!


Thanks Void, helped alot. landed a 1-2-3 lunar somersault third try

The Void

Glad to have helped. Well done! Maybe I should take my own advice and work on them a bit too....
If you don't want to BUY MY BOOKS 😉, then why not ask your local library to order them in, and read them for free? That would help too. Cheers!