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Kendama Consistency Challenge #23

Started by BKA, 13 November, 2013, 17:31:30

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KCC23 will be announced on Thursday 14th November, at 16:00 GMT.
This £25 yo-yo is up for grabs.

Infinity TX10 Yoyo - juggling videos hosted @


If the tricks are doable for me i really want to give it a try!


KCC #23 "Endless"

Film yourself connecting as many of the tricks in the Endless Combo as you can (starting from #1!). In order, without missing. The player who gets furthest will win.
-When you have filmed, upload your video as a HIDDEN OR PRIVATE video.
-Do not post the link, or say how well you have done, on the forum or anywhere else. (This would disqualify you).
-Please send a PRIVATE MESSAGE to BKA on the forum with a link to your hidden video.
-Then post in this thread saying "Entry submitted".
-You may enter more than once. e.g. if you film steps 1-3, and then submit, but later film steps 1-5, you can re-submit that too.
-All balances must be held still for 3 seconds.

If you are uncertain of any of the tricks, please watch the video below.

Standard KCC rules apply:
- Competition is open to all players, worldwide, as long as they are a member of this forum.
- Use a standard, competition-sized kendama, unless otherwise stated.
- Perform all tricks, in order, as specified, in a single run, with no misses, unless otherwise stated.
- Stay in shot the whole time.
- No sneakiness!
- The Winner wins glory and respect from the kendama community, whatever prize(s) may have been offered by the Setter, and the right to set the next KCC.
- If a KCC remains undefeated for 30 days, any offer of a prize no longer applies, and the BKA becomes the setter for the next KCC. An undefeated KCC remains open to be cracked after 30 days have passed, but only for glory and respect.
After 30 days, we will announce who has got the furthest.
Winner gets the yo-yo above, 2nd place gets a sticker pack.

We require at least 2 entrants to have achieved at least Step 3 for the prizes to be awarded.

1. Big cup -> Small Bird
2. Small Bird -> Penguin Base Cup
3. Penguin Base Cup -> Swing In
4. Swing In->Bird
5. Bird -> Weak Hand Base Cup
6. Weak Hand Base Cup -> Lighthouse
7. Lighthouse -> Weak Hand Spike
- Release the ball with one hand *before* you catch the ken with the other hand.
8. Weak Hand Spike > (strong hand) Under-the-leg Gunslinger
9. Under-the-leg Gunslinger-> Grip Change/Turnover to Backhand Tama grip
10. Backhand Tama grip -> Build the Lighthouse
11. Lighthouse -> Fast Hand Candle
12. Candle -> Fast Hand Stab
13. Stab -> Fast Hand Lighthouse
14. Lighthouse>Somersault to Lunar
15. Lunar > Somersault to Aeroplane
16. Aeroplane > Double Jumping Sick
17. Double Jumping Stick > Somersault to Stilts
18. Stilts -> Somersault to Lighthouse
19. Lighthouse -> Trapeze
20. Trapeze -> 1-Turn Aeroplane
21. Aeroplane -> Drill
22. Drill -> Tomahawk
23. Tomahawk -> Behind The Side
24. Behind the side > (from behind the back) Moon Circle
25. Moon Circle > Double Earth Turn onto Small Bird

Kendama Endless Combo (1-25) - juggling videos hosted @

The Void

My prediction: No-one will get to #25. :-)
If you don't want to BUY MY BOOKS 😉, then why not ask your local library to order them in, and read them for free? That would help too. Cheers!


[Mod edit: deleted] :p...  Need to work on my swing in bird. After that i think with some practice abd luck i can get to 8


It is insanely difficult, but I love the idea to be able to see the combo as far as possible in one go :)
Spanish Kendama Champion 2010, 2012, 2014-16
Depth Perception is Overrated.


Shameless Self-Promotion:


The Void

I'm having a bash, just for fun. I won't be entering though.
I won't say how I've got on, but my Big Cup to Small Bird is improving!
If you don't want to BUY MY BOOKS 😉, then why not ask your local library to order them in, and read them for free? That would help too. Cheers!


Apparently you have to post a "entry submitted" post for each attempt so...

My second entry has been submitted
(Entry submitted)

Shameless Self-Promotion:



Were 10 days in guys - it appears that it is just me at the moment.
Anybody else having a shot?
Shameless Self-Promotion:



Is this still open? I will give it a shot today!