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General Discussion / Re: Game of Ken anyone??
Last post by S.S.Clarence - 02 June, 2020, 19:27:10
Oh dear  :o hope it heals soon buddy!
General Discussion / Re: Game of Ken anyone??
Last post by The Void - 02 June, 2020, 11:11:51
Yo Scott, I would, but a shoulder muscle's put me out of action for a while, unfortunately. :-/
General Discussion / Game of Ken anyone??
Last post by S.S.Clarence - 01 June, 2020, 20:55:11
Hello, im Scott
Looking for some games of ken if anyones interested, i am a beginner/intermediate (early dan level) and im up for some games with some more advanced peeps, iv kind out skilled my friend group  8) . tho you'l probs be better than me im still up for watching people slay it!
so if your into it il drop my number n we can do it via whatsapp or summit.

all the best
General Discussion / Re: BKA approved Kendamas (Ozo...
Last post by S.S.Clarence - 04 May, 2020, 19:13:48
Fair do's, makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up for me ;)

Stay safe yo x
General Discussion / Re: BKA approved Kendamas (Ozo...
Last post by BKA - 04 May, 2020, 19:02:18
Welcome to the forum, @S.S.Clarence .
As shalafi says, most live competitions are now going with a simple size limit.
This leaves the BKA-approved list as a guide for kendamas accepted for gradings. The grading system has a 40+ year history of everyone using one size of kendama for their exams. We're not changing that now, as that would un-level the playing field.
General Discussion / Re: BKA approved Kendamas (Ozo...
Last post by shalafi - 02 May, 2020, 21:52:41
Quote from: S.S.Clarence on 01 May, 2020, 23:01:25

The Ozora reshape model, if its good enuf for JKA why not BKA?
IIRC BKA is JKA+ other models
Besides, latest competitions have mostly gone with "competition size kendamas" instead of BKO approved,
General Discussion / BKA approved Kendamas (Ozora R...
Last post by S.S.Clarence - 01 May, 2020, 23:01:25

The Ozora reshape model, if its good enuf for JKA why not BKA?
Videos / Re: Misumi Nakao - 2020
Last post by The Void - 04 April, 2020, 09:09:28
Very nice stuff. I liked the naughty stilt line. Hello, and thanks for posting.
Videos / Re: Misumi Nakao - 2020
Last post by shalafi - 03 April, 2020, 21:13:04
That was absolutely insane.
The disassembling kendama trick was really cool, something I am sure Donald had thought about before.
The sort-of stilts, but slightly in was crazy too.
Videos / Misumi Nakao - 2020
Last post by donald grant - 01 April, 2020, 11:51:29