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What has happend to Kengarden?

Started by saga-ken, 02 July, 2014, 11:22:42

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Hi Forum!

I used to read the kengarden blog:

but it wasn't updated since last December.  Does
anybody know, what has happened there?

Also, can you recommend any other blogs,
which cover a wide range of Kendama topics?



The guys that run it are just too busy.

Currently they run a weekly meetup in San Francisco:,1863.0.html
Spanish Kendama Champion 2010, 2012, 2014-16
Depth Perception is Overrated.


Thanks for the info, Shalafi!

I was just surprised, that there was no "too busy" or "goodbye" post...

But good to hear, that the scene in SF is active and alive.

donald grant

Here's a link for a video of the last meet up, via the yoyonews site which you might also find entertaining (it is, of course, mostly yo-yo related, but also Steve regularly features kendama edits.  He's a great guy:) )


Like to think that this forum covers a wide range of topics. :-)


@Donald: I suck at Yoyo... but thanks anyway.

@BKA: True. For fast reading I prefer a single "news/blog" page rather than a forum with several threads.
But of course, these two concepts are not mutually exclusive :-)

@PikWik: Thanks, appreciated!


Quote from: donald grant on 02 July, 2014, 20:44:47
Here's a link for a video of the last meet up, via the yoyonews site which you might also find entertaining (it is, of course, mostly yo-yo related, but also Steve regularly features kendama edits.  He's a great guy:) )
I had this video linked inside the other topic.

Who's that handsome kendama player doing a sideway gunslinger on the video? I think I've seen him before... ;-P
Spanish Kendama Champion 2010, 2012, 2014-16
Depth Perception is Overrated.

Spirit Kendama

Dirty Mike and the boys over at KendamaDrama run a pretty dope blog.

As for the Kengarden, Jake is just too busy to keep up with that.


The Kengarden was a starting point for Jake, definitely sad to see it go, but he's moved on to other, bigger, better projects.

These days, the Kengarden mostly functions as a weekly meetup in SF, every Tuesday night at Sanfranpsycho. Jake also helps run Grain Theory Kendamas, and now works full time for KendamaUSA. He is more heavily involved in kendama than ever before, but unfortunately this meant the kengarden had to take a spot on the back burner.