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New Light Blue Ozora

Started by Tetsuya Takahashi, 15 May, 2013, 02:26:04

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Tetsuya Takahashi

I have a question about the new oozos, do they become like really sticky after beating the crap out of them for about a month, become sticky then slick, or take a while to become sticky?

I'm currently having problems one turn lighthousing on my oozo which is strange because it was pretty grippy last week. Has anyone else had this??


i can only speak from the month or so that ive had my light blue oz. the paint is grippy as i need it but on the dama opening and the surrounding rim is kind of getting slippery. from what ive heard though, this is normal and just means im starting to wear the top coat. then ill get to the "paint" and once the top coat has all been worn off and the oils and grime from my hands get rubbed and stuck on the dama, things will get to a controllable slip.

this is a reason people get natural kendamas But then ive read that some brand's naturals go from grippy to slippery with minimal use :o this is not the case with ozora (im sounding like an fanboy here!) as ive seen a pretty beat up oz that still has a grit and hold to it. like running your hand across smoothed bark. hammered with a slight sheen, but grips

sorry for the long post, but yeah. sounds like its a paint issue and from what ive heard is normal. keep playing and now that summer is here kendama-it-up outside so you can get some extra funk from the sweat and oils!

Tetsuya Takahashi