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Practicing wrong !!

Started by Misterwhang, 22 June, 2013, 17:18:37

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So today I met up with a new friend in Hong Kong and he helped me tremendously with my dama skills. I have been playing for a few months now and today I found out I was doing some tricks "wrong".  First off for airplane and swing in spike, I would start by swinging the ken/dama in a big arc motion and would then try to catch it when it reached a high point. This made doing the two tricks pretty inconsistant for me, even though I practiced them soooo much. At one point I couldnt even land airplanes anymore which really frustrated me. But then today my buddy showed me the *correct technique...first he told me start with the string totally straight with the dama/ken free hanging and then dip down making a small dipping "u" motion with the dama/ken (keeping the string straight). Then instead of swing up he told me to do a slight jerking/pulling motion to finish the trick.

After I practiced a while and got the hang of this new jerk/pull up "u" motion and it hit me...THIS is how people are able to do lunars without using the string hook technique!!! (I just never understood how :P) With this new technique in mind I was able to land a no string hook lunar! (even though it took me a billion tries haha)

In conclusion I dont know if anything I just wrote made any sense but the main point I am trying to get across to my fellow beginners is to.... MAKE SURE YOU ARE PRACTICING YOUR BASICS *CORRECTLY! OR else you will have a hard time with more advanced tricks in the future!! Keep on truckin!

*I dont know if this is the "correct" or "official" way of doing these tricks but it seemed to make a lot more sense to me compared to what I was doing before. If someone could help me explain in better words please post!


hey whats up,
what you just described is exactly what i recently corrected as well!

for furiken/airplane/hook-lunar/1 turn lighthouse/etc. i would always create a big arc in front of me


then i really tried to learn 1 turn lighthouses and realized i was doing something wrong :/
i did some research and found out that slight pull is needed to get a more controlled landing.


there is a specific moment where you need to pull towards you, but with practice ive almost got it down.
i was making these tricks far more difficult than they needed to be. not that i can land these 1st try now, but they dont feel like a "gamble" like they used to.
also be sure and 'catch' at the apex and try not to let it drop on the landing


LOLthose pictures are on point!! Perfect! I hope this post will save a few other beginners from the frustration of doing these tricks wrong! Thanks for the post  ;D


Yah figured it out! I put something about this in a tutorial i did on 1 turn lighthouses - couldnt explain it as good as you did though


@br4d24 - it wasnt until i saw your tutorial/description on your 1-turn lighthouse that i finally got my technique sorted. thanks man, i shouldve mentioned that

@Misterwhang - some of the airplanes i was doing before this were ridiculous. it was like i was throwing the ken over my head and then trying to wildly catch while also trying Not to step on the dog


The pictures in this thread are top notch!

Really though, the 'circle' vs 'u' thing is a solid tip, its much more difficult to land tricks when the ken/tama is thrown way out in front of you.


Very informative! Thank you! Thank you!