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Started by The Void, 11 October, 2011, 15:45:49

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Oh my, this one is proving tricky!  So far, my best attempt has been to get through the whole sequence with three errors.  These were a fail on the second whirlwind (it's normally an easy one for me, but I thought about it too much), a fail on the aeroplane of the first jumping stick ( excuse for that) and a failed first attempt on the gunslinger.  I've never previously worked on the gunslinger trick, so I was actually quite pleased to get it on the second attempt.

So, yeah, I know I've got it within me to do it cleanly - but actually doing it in front of a camera is another matter.  I suspect that it can't be too long before someone gets it, though.


Quote from: The Void on 16 October, 2011, 21:39:42
Quote from: shalafi on 16 October, 2011, 20:16:30I believe a triple earth turn and a triple jumping stick are not average players. One definitely, two maybe, but 3 is already too much

Ah, again I have obviously failed to make myself clear, so I'm sorry.
They are NOT double spin and triple spin ETs and JSs, they are 2 or 3 single spins in a row. I'll change the descriptions to make it clearer.

It was clear to me, I was the one that did not expressed properly. Of course it is a question of consistency, but eventually it means 6 jumping stick in a row and 6 earth turns in a row.

Too consistent for me, but I keep practicing :)
Spanish Kendama Champion 2010, 2012, 2014-16
Depth Perception is Overrated.


Been practicing this one today - damn Void, this is a tough cookie! As with everyone else, the 6 jumping sticks with an "aeroplane sandwich" is proving quite the behemoth, so far managed about 7 mistakes from start to finish... which of course is 7 too many. Consistency indeed, gah!!


I think this is an excellent set of tricks. Donald was saying that it's too easy to run the camera all day and catch the 1 time you manage a trick.

To get 6 Earth Turns or Jumping Sticks, you've got to be consistent. Which is the name of the competition!

The Void

Thanks BD. The first comp lasted 1.5 hours, the second one 3 hours. This one is currently approaching 4 days, which is somewhere around the amount of time I was hoping it would last. If it goes on beyond a week or two, then it was probably too hard. But I still think it's "in sight" of a lot of people. I had a few goes myself, and the best I got was to somewhere in the Jumping Sticks. Maybe I should try again, just to challenge myself.

I wonder if there should be a rule "you can't set a Consistency ladder until you've done it yourself". Hmmm.
If you don't want to BUY MY BOOKS 😉, then why not ask your local library to order them in, and read them for free? That would help too. Cheers!


Quote from: The Void on 19 October, 2011, 11:54:03
I wonder if there should be a rule "you can't set a Consistency ladder until you've done it yourself". Hmmm.

I don't think it should, that will ruin half of the fun :)
Spanish Kendama Champion 2010, 2012, 2014-16
Depth Perception is Overrated.


Argh!!! Void! I expected you, been able to do this yourself!!! O please, say that it is possible, and someone has already proven it! This remembers me of "around tunbridge wells" - anyone caught this on film, yet?

Yet within training for this con-comp, at least I came near to achieve a new "European Earth Turn Record".

From my knowings this is currently hold by Marc W.:

My personell best run was: 15 earth turns would require a little bit more attention - juggling videos hosted @

... anyone interested to join this off-the-road-comp?   

With a devils twinkle in the eye ;-)

The Void

I've only managed 13, Peter.

Meanwhile, back on topic, it's been a whole week now, and still no claimant for the KCC3 prize. Obviously, you all need a bit more enticement, so I hereby add a second Coca Cola yo-yo to the prize pool.

Ooh yeah, that should do it!
If you don't want to BUY MY BOOKS 😉, then why not ask your local library to order them in, and read them for free? That would help too. Cheers!


Had a little practice session earlier, my first since Monday (I've been unwell...).  Got the sequence clean up to the gunslinger, which was a surprise, given the lack of practice.  The gunslinger, though, just isn't a trick that I've ever worked on, so it's just a bit random as to whether I land it. 

So, if I can get that far, I'm sure a truely advanced level player (which I'm certainly not) should be capable of finishing the job and taking the prize.


The second yoyo did it for me. Excuse the quality, my real camera died so this is my phone for the time being!


This is the badger!
Certainly was a tough challenge, but in this comp I have developed a new jumping stick technique which is more more consistent. Opposed to just remembering the motor skill of flipping the ken, I spin it significantly slower, and put the ball slightly up towards the spike when it comes back around (alongside remembering the pressure I use to flip it correctly), similar to a rotor blade. This gives more room for error when choosing the force you use to flip the ken.

The Void

Wa-hey! One week and 6 hours later, and Matt comes up trumps - well done Matt! Who knows how quick you'd have done it without a coca-cola-camera incident. (Somehow appropriate that you win the coke yo-yos! :))
You can collect your prizes in 8 days time (when I'll also be collecting mine from #2).

In the meantime, you can think about what you're going to set for number 4.

If you don't want to BUY MY BOOKS 😉, then why not ask your local library to order them in, and read them for free? That would help too. Cheers!


Ah thank-you kindly Mr Void! I have to say this one was rather enjoyable, no ridiculously technical tricks to hit so I could just grab any KD to hand and film for a few minutes at a time. If I got it, brilliant , if I didn't then it was much needed SRC prep! ( I wont lie though, this is one of the most difficult KD challenges I have seen...)
Ah yes very apt the coca cola brand is my reward but also my punishment...

Just debating if I should be cruel to be kind with a small stint of madness (and the oppertunity for some to learn some new tricks), or play the midway consistency card with easier tricks but with some spice..

I'll be having a ponder over a muchly deserved cuppa and you will all hear from me soon...

In the meantime, if you think you would prefer the cruel to be kind route, or good olde more tricks but easier ones, anyone please let me know your thoughts!

Kendama Europe

Nice competition!
but void, how can you give away the pendama?!
- You won it just 3 months ago from me,....  lol
Kendama production and shop since 2008 at

Kendama - easy to learn, hard to master


Hi Marc, welcome to the forum!

Yeah, I know, but I've had a little fun with it, I thought I'd let someone else have a play. :)