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Stamp It. Stomp It.

Started by Jak, 13 July, 2016, 19:41:40

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Quote from: HansNickmans on 27 July, 2016, 11:33:15
Just realised I missed this competition... Filmed my trick on vacation but had no opportunity to upload..
Ah well, that allows me to check out some gnarly tricks in this thread. Keep up the good work!

@HansNickmans : The rules state, that you can _once_ post-deliver a clip. You just have to show both combos for the next round. @Jak maybe has to confirm this, but I suppose this should be valid for the first round too. I.e. in my opinion, you can enter in the second round by showing combos for the first and second round.
But then, maybe the first round is special ...
EKO 2012 - European Beginner Champion


Haha no you're exactly right. Everyone can have one late entry. Although I may add that it won't apply when or if only one person posts before the deadline, making them the winner.

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@Void. Well done on the non-entry combo! Haha.

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The Void

Quote from: LarsVegas on 28 July, 2016, 08:21:47
Quote from: HansNickmans on 27 July, 2016, 11:33:15
Just realised I missed this competition... Filmed my trick on vacation but had no opportunity to upload..
Ah well, that allows me to check out some gnarly tricks in this thread. Keep up the good work!

@HansNickmans : The rules state, that you can _once_ post-deliver a clip. You just have to show both combos for the next round. @Jak maybe has to confirm this, but I suppose this should be valid for the first round too. I.e. in my opinion, you can enter in the second round by showing combos for the first and second round.
But then, maybe the first round is special ...
If you don't want to BUY MY BOOKS 😉, then why not ask your local library to order them in, and read them for free? That would help too. Cheers!


Here is my round 2 entry. The cat was feeling needy, so I teased him with this bird combo.

My round 1 vote goes for.... @Kofi . I loved the creativity of the arm bounces (which nearly clinched it), but left to right hand switches stood out for me.


@kendamatty, so casual! Accepted.

A vote for Kofi 


Oh mat... Bird turn the world while holding a cat and teasing him. The other people will have to work very hard to steal my vote from THAT.
Spanish Kendama Champion 2010, 2012, 2014-16
Depth Perception is Overrated.


Kay, here we go for round 2: a little thing I like to call "Around the grip switch"

From Round 1 I vote for @fiddletriks , because I was toying with the idea of balancing a lighthouse on a string before and never gotten around to actually practice it. So this just naturally calls to me ;) Also, it's something I've never seen before.


Around the grip switch looks a cool trick! Accepted!

1 vote for fiddletriks

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@Jak i thought this is about the votes? So why should one win if he is the only submitter? Doesn't make sense to me :)


My go:

My vote: @Ashdama

Raw Power and great use of the environment :) nice!


@cello_91, this is basically two competitions put together...  One for the best combo (voted for by the players) and one for the person that is able to get the furthest -  the tricks to include will get much harder so I think that deserves a prize. Does that make sense?

Anyway. So many tricks in your combo, really well done dude! Accepted! 

Another vote for Ashdama!   


Quote from: Jak on 29 July, 2016, 09:45:53
@cello_91, this is basically two competitions put together...  One for the best combo (voted for by the players) and one for the person that is able to get the furthest -  the tricks to include will get much harder so I think that deserves a prize. Does that make sense?

So will there be voting for each round or just round 1? I have to say I am quite unclear on this.


Sorry. Every round will have a vote. The winner of each round will go into one final vote to get the prize.

Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk


Quote from: Jak on 29 July, 2016, 09:50:05
Sorry. Every round will have a vote. The winner of each round will go into one final vote to get the prize.

OK, thanks, now it makes sense :)