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Video Challenge: Endless Combo (everybody can enter)

Started by Cliffdama, 18 April, 2013, 11:09:10

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1. (@DamaLife24)
2. (@The Void)
3. (@Dimensions)
4. (@Kev)
5. (@Kendamatty)
6. (@SamB)
7. (@mreasyguy)
8. (@the milky oolong)
9. (@jsirois31)
10. (@shalafi)
11. (@donald grant)
12. (@Sonicpearse)
13. (@Will T)


Prize draw:


I feel I could have won the price #0.

Between this and the previous draw I am sure my luck is being saved for the mugen :)

Also, great compilation (it just finished encoding :-))
Spanish Kendama Champion 2010, 2012, 2014-16
Depth Perception is Overrated.

Will T

endless combo #101
sara grip>juggle >sara grip stab

[Mod Edit: changed from https]


Next trick is:
101. [from Sara grip] > Juggle to Stab
- Start in Sara Grip
-Throw Tama
-Throw the ken and catch the tama
-Throw tama and catch the ken in Sara grip

Demo video above

Quote from: Cliffdama on 18 April, 2013, 11:09:10RULES
Trick Rules
- You cannot reply to your own trick.
- You must wait to re-enter until 5 other people have done a combo after you set one.
- You must wait to have your attempt verified by the previous setter before setting the next step.
- Use any competition-sized kendama.
- You should start the new transition from the finish position of the previous trick. i.e. You can just place the kendama into position. You don't have to do the previous move, but you can if you want to. But if so remember to...
- Hold the start and finish positions of the combo still for a couple of seconds please.
Video Rules (To help for a nicer compilation video)
- Make sure you have adequate lighting. Please film in daylight if possible. Clips usually look very poor in artificial light.
- Please film in Landscape, not Portrait, not Square.
[user]donald grant[/user], [user]DamaLife24[/user], [user]shalafi[/user], [user]SamB[/user] & [user]Will T[/user] must sit out round 101.
Good luck everyone!
Shameless Self-Promotion:

The Void

If you don't want to BUY MY BOOKS 😉, then why not ask your local library to order them in, and read them for free? That would help too. Cheers!

Will T

The Void

Thanks, Will. Alright then, the next one is...
102. [from loaded sara grip] > Arm-Knee Bounce to Base Cup
i. Throw the ball off the spike, across your body.
ii. Bounce the ball off your opposite forearm.
iii. Bounce the ball off your knee. (Either knee is okay).
iv. Catch the ball on the Base Cup.

This is a fairly simple one, so I hope some newbies will try to join in. Since there are no prizes now, I'll ask that if you've been in the EC before, then please wait at least for a few days to give some other people a chance to join in.

If you don't want to BUY MY BOOKS 😉, then why not ask your local library to order them in, and read them for free? That would help too. Cheers!


Good trick, an accessible one for the fresh blood ;)
Spanish Kendama Champion 2010, 2012, 2014-16
Depth Perception is Overrated.


Next trick is:
102. [from Loaded Sara grip] > Arm - Knee Bounce to Base Cup
i. Throw the ball off the spike, across your body.
ii. Bounce the ball off your opposite forearm.
iii. Bounce the ball off your knee. (Either knee is okay).
iv. Catch the ball on the Base Cup.

Quote from: Cliffdama on 18 April, 2013, 11:09:10RULES
Trick Rules
- You cannot reply to your own trick.
- You must wait to re-enter until 5 other people have done a combo after you set one.
- You must wait to have your attempt verified by the previous setter before setting the next step.
- Use any competition-sized kendama.
- You should start the new transition from the finish position of the previous trick. i.e. You can just place the kendama into position. You don't have to do the previous move, but you can if you want to. But if so remember to...
- Hold the start and finish positions of the combo still for a couple of seconds please.
Video Rules (To help for a nicer compilation video)
- Make sure you have adequate lighting. Please film in daylight if possible. Clips usually look very poor in artificial light.
- Please film in Landscape, not Portrait, not Square.
[user]DamaLife24[/user], [user]shalafi[/user], [user]SamB[/user], [user]Will T[/user] & [user]The Void[/user] must sit out round 101.
Good luck everyone!

I Write:
I agree with Shalafi on this a good trick for newbies and beginners! Also a very visually appealing trick
I advise to learn them both separately before combining them together

Shameless Self-Promotion:


had a quick 30 minutes after some coffee to put this together.
i hope this counts, even though theres a stab and a spike in there as well.

The Void

Quote from: Dimensions on 13 September, 2014, 20:40:21RULES
Trick Rules
- Hold the start and finish positions of the combo still for a couple of seconds please.
Well, you can obviously do the trick, and I'm glad to see newbies joining in. :-) I'll accept it... IF Rob is happy to edit from it. @Dimensions?
If you don't want to BUY MY BOOKS 😉, then why not ask your local library to order them in, and read them for free? That would help too. Cheers!


As I dont have a YouTube account. How would I post my entries for endless combo's if I wanted to participate?

donald grant

It doesn't have to be YouTube. an excellent alternative!

Sign up and join in!


Sorry PW, its a no.
1) not help start and end positions for long enough
2) clip was in slo-mo, I couldn't edit it to a smooth, real time like clip

Please film again when possible

Shameless Self-Promotion: