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Krom Deluxe

Started by jackmccloskey, 08 July, 2013, 00:29:43

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So I was thinking about getting the Krom Deluxe, but its 50 dollars and I would like some input on how they play before I buy one. Anybody who bought one, I would love some feedback. Thanks
I like Tacos and/or Burritos


I've ordered mine but haven't received it yet so can't comment yet. I did, however, come across this cool edit of some guys only using the split one and in the description says "basically the perfect Kendama."


Well here's my newbie first impressions, for what it's worth.

I ordered the Mint version, which is a mint green painted rubberwood tama with the walnut ken. Is it a beautiful, artisanal, playable collector's item? Yes. Does it play any better than, say, a standard yellow Ozora? Nah.

I bought the Krom Deluxe mainly for its looks and out of curiosity for the rubberwood/walnut combo. The looks totally deliver. The mint paint is applied in a way that allows some of the pores of the rubberwood to peek through. It's a cool effect, but the paint also does chip a little. The fit and finish are nice, but honestly, an Ozora, Sunrise, or Zen is nice, too. The Krom Deluxe *is*  nicer than a standard Krom, which I always found to be a little rough. The Krom Deluxe also seems to have more classic JKA proportions compared to a standard Krom, which was rather tall.

Playwise, I found myself throwing the Krom Deluxe with a more slowed down pace. Not sure if this was because there is finishing oil on the walnut ken which makes it stick to the hand. The rubberwood/walnut combo does feel subtly different with a more high pitched sound, but it's not drastic. I would place the Krom Deluxe slightly above a custom Sweets in terms of 'interestingness'. But for my money, a $40 Ozora Enjyu offers more of a sensory experience if you're looking for a change of pace in material.


ahhh you seemingly have convinced me to get one, although im leaning towards the half split tama. (aesethetically pleasing for me)
I like Tacos and/or Burritos


I have just picked up my Mint and my Split from the post office this morning and have played with both for a little bit today.

My plan was to play with the Mint and not play the Split (at least not for a while) but after playing with the mint it is apparent that the paint is anything but deluxe. Already after a very short amount of time the area around the hole is showing big signs of play and slight chipping and a slash. It looks like its been played for a LOT longer than just half an hour or so. I know what I am doing with Kendama so all new Kendamas tend to stay in good condition for a very long time now so this isn't through poor treatment.

Because of this I decided to try the Split instead, this is a natural so straight away no paint to worry about.

Now both kendamas are extremely good out of the box. I have a ladder of tricks I do everyday that cover a lot of different styles just to stay consistent and I managed to get through it very quickly with both kendamas without any difficulty which is unusual for a brand new kendama. For both the weight is perfect, the tama and ken is slightly heavier than an Ozora which I definitely prefer! Although it makes balances easier it does make air tricks involving ken flips a bit more difficult for some reason but you will adjust.

Another reason I much prefer the Split other than the fact it is going to last a lot longer is that similar to the Keyaki Ozora it makes an amazingly satisfying sound when you spike hard especially when doing stab/ downspike or stunt planes and inverted jumping sticks.

Even though I have only played for a short time you can really feel the quality of both kendamas. Although for the price I expect it to be a Kendama that not only feels quality but plays quality and is made quality.

I feel the mint paint is definitely sub par, considering an Ozora is roughly a third of the cost and it takes weeks if not longer for the paint to really start showing actual damage.

The split on the other hand, I would definitely recommend. I have always loved natural Kendamas I enjoy the extra challenge of Lunars and Lighthouses on smooth natural surface but the Split has a certain roughness to it (at the moment anyway) which is making it a dream to play.

Take all this which a pinch of salt because like I say I've only played for a small amount of time. If you haven't already order one by then I can give you an update in a couple of weeks when they've had some real play.

Hope this helps :)

P.s I genuinely had no intention of leaving a message this big when I first picked up my phone to write this, haha!


Thanks a lot for the reply! I have yet to order, but im curious to see how they are doing now. Would you care to give me an update on their condition/playability? thanks
I like Tacos and/or Burritos


Krom rules! Sick wood made by sick dudes.


Hey! Sorry I totally forgot I was going to give you an update about these.

Unfortunately the verdict hasn't changed at all. The split is an amazing Kendama but because its natural its difficult for more advanced lunar and lighthouse variations, that being said it is a dream to play for other trick styles! It also looks amazing in the collection so if you haven't already bought one then do it!

Now the Mint. Because like I said previously it seems to show signs of damage really easily I haven't actually played it any further. I was thinking that I might sell it on so I've kept in the box until I make my decision.

Hope this helps even though there wasn't really more to add.


I got the Wine red oak Krom deluxe and I love it. The weight is very nice and overall plays amazing. The paint on mine is chipping pretty easily and isn't anything to brag about in terms of stickiness but maybe thats just the krom wine paint. This is my only Krom so I can't say how their other colours/paints are.


The red oak kens are wonderful, nice and heavy! Paint-wise, they're ok, nothing super sticky / durable, but thats fine by me! I love beating a dama up. That being said, I've seen some of the paints they'll be coming out with in the future, and they're definitely stepping it up! Good things out of KROM!


I heard the walnuts break kind of like the sunrise's do, and the paint does chip easily (if they are painted). I feel like they are more of a collectors item than a everyday jammer. If you want a nice krom with durable paint try and Croix X Krom. Mine is holding up well so far and it looks stellar. The paint is just starting to break in - cant wait to see what it turns out like! My other croix got nice and sticky.

The Void

I've been giving this a bit of a play. The paint seems a bit thin/non-grippy, but I presume that is an aesthetic decision to only put a thin coat on, so that the wood grain shows through. So be it. So not a "lunar machine", but it is well balanced for them. Otherwise seems to play quite nicely. Paint standing up to play okay, although I haven't been trying mad-high spacewalk stuff, so no mega-drops on the scoresheet. It is, however, the current kitchen clicker, so has had the odd clonk on the tiles.
Tama 73g
Ken 65g
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the milky oolong

Thought I'd reactivate this topic with my two cents:

Just got hold of a Krom Deluxe (walnut/rubber wood, green standard paint), been playing with it for a few days. Both the ken and the tama are really chunky, ken is well-balanced. The profile seems to lend itself really well to general freestyle clicking, whirlwinding and turntabling, still to early to say for balance tricks as the paint is indeed relatively thin, slip-sliding all over the shop. Stabs and other aggressive tricks crack like a whip with this one, seemingly due to the walnut's density.

Therein seems to lie the only drawback so far; it seems difficult to get the sarado really snug on the ken's shaft - needs a bit of pressure after a few tricks, though these are early days, and my blue Ozora is guilty of the same fault to be honest, which I correct with a tiny fold of card as a wedge. I saw the rubberised finished Deluxes, the practice model has been out of the box (according to the salesperson) ten days, and is splitting and peeling through and through. Not very nice at all. If my Deluxe ages like the one in Void's photo and tightens up around the sarado over time, it's likely to become a very good friend of mine.
Kendama Berlin
German Kendama Open 2014: 1st Place Speed Trick, 2nd Place Knockout
German Kendama Championships 2015: 3rd Place Speed Trick
KEN FEST Hannover, 2016: 3rd Place KEN Battle
KENDAMA CLASH Berlin 2016: 1st Place Intermediate