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Consitency practice idea i need help with.

Started by Cliffdama, 17 August, 2014, 18:38:47

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Hi everybody!

I come here because i have an idea, but before i get there let me tell you a bit how i came up with it and why i want to do it.

While cruising around the internet and facebook for kendama stuff i came across lots of edit, dama dares and tricks etc. I watched 100+ edits and after every edit i grab one of my (allready to big collection 40+) kendamas to try some of those crazy things ive seen. Some times i am able to do it but most of the time i get frustrated after 1hour+ trying and not even be able to land the trick. So with a bit of thinking i decided that i'm not yet up that level. Today there was the dutch spikedama event wich i had to cancel at the last moment because of some sad family problems. I had practiced a few weeks for the intermediate ladder and was getting more and more confy with the tricks, but again i missed the event.

So now i'm here and thinking about maybe next years event and how much i want to go there and get to the level that maybe there is a change i can win something. It's not really about the winning part but the fact that i can say to myself that i'm up and ready for those tricks. And to do so i have to practice a lot! And here is the idea how i can get to that level.

I weekly consistency ladder for myself (and everybody else who feels he want to learn new tricks with me) . I want to do a consistency ladder once a week. To make it not to hard i want to do 5 tricks and start at high beginner level. And going to intermediate level once i think i'm ready for it.

Let's say this is week 1 ladder.

Swing small bird
Trade spike
Around japan
20 moshi came

I will try to land/film it within a week. And go on to the next ladde wich you guys will be making for me.

This is all just an idea, so feel free to help me with some ideas to make this work :).


Interesting idea. I do most of my consistency training for Dan grading, but this sounds like fun.
Spanish Kendama Champion 2010, 2012, 2014-16
Depth Perception is Overrated.


I also do those, but i want to
Challenge my self to also keep learning new tricks. And try to find out my limits and even push them. But again its just an idea for now. And i really need your imput on this


Outlink was a great idea for pushing us to practice new tricks.

The problem I see is in selecting new tricks every week. I normally have a few tricks I want to become better at, and then I practice those. Once I'm reasonably good with them, I move to something else. Sometimes, trying the harder version of a trick makes you better at the simpler one (like 1 turn aeroplane to improve your aeroplanes and flip lighthouses)
Spanish Kendama Champion 2010, 2012, 2014-16
Depth Perception is Overrated.


Thats why i need the help of the forum. If i select my own tricks every week i can think about it. But if someone else does it, it keeps surprising me and also make me do/learn tricks i don't like. The second thing is the trick selection doesnt have to be hard. It can just be.

Swing lighthouse
1turn lighthouse
1turn lighthouse
1turn lighthouse
1turn lighthouse

Big bird 5x

5tricks but i really need to get consistent at the one turn or bird :)